The next-door hype was created after Google CEO Sunder Pichai stated that in the upcoming weeks, the new AI chatbot would be launched in front of us.
ChatGPT AI is still in its popularity phase and now a new one has come in front of it and we all know it’s a real competition when it’s launched by google itself.
Google Bard and ChatGPT both are Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots that work kind of similar way, addressing the solution as per the query user asks.
So why so hype and why we are calling it the biggest tech battle?
Read with us and we will let you know all about these two. Topics that be covered in this blog are :
- What is Google Bard?
- What is ChatGPT?
- How to use Them?
- How Accurate Information they will Provide us?
- Which one is more popular?
- Who wins in the future?
What is Google Bard?
Google Bard is the AI chatbot that uses the Google internal Language LaMDA (Language Model For Dialogue Application), it provides a service to get through your query and provide the result based on the latest web data. As LaMDA requires less memory or CPU power due to the lighter iteration required at the code level – it increases the capacity to provide a better solution in the fastest time.
What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) launched in November 2022, as an open AI service platform. It is written in the GPT-3 language model and trained to write like a natural conversation. It is built to provide user queries in easy hands.
How to use them?
Google Bard is still in its testing phase and not available for the public, but as per the announcement made by Sunder Pichai – it clearly said they will make it available in the upcoming weeks.
ChatGPT is available on their official website, but no dedicated applications are prepared for Android and iPhone users. It is present freely for all of us to use but also started in the premium version to get the more extended benefits of ChatGPT.
The premium version of ChatGPT is called ChatGPT plus. Users have to pay $20 to access it, but the condition is that a user has approved openAI. You can check more about the paid subscription on their official website.
How Accurate Information they will Provide us?
Both the AI tools are in the starting phase, so no big comments would be beneficial gives you the right picture about these chatbots.
But as per the information, Google Bard provides us with the information that is available on the internet till now and ChatGPT has limited information till 2021 data.
Still, this statement doesn’t say that Google Bard is better than ChatGPT as recently Google loss $100 billion by making an error in its demo.
The demo was posted by Google on Twitter, where users ask Bard :
“What new Discoveries from the James Web Space Telescope can I tell my 9-year-old about?
So in this Bard Respond in three Bullets points and one of the points states –
“JWST took the very first pictures of the planet outside of our solar system”
But according to NASA, the first image showing the planet was taken by the European Southern Observatory’s very large Telescope in 2004.
This inaccuracy behind the Google Bard Chatbot is where it collects the information, as the AI collects the information from the web page of Google only and converts it into its own language as the setup.
The construction is not bad but the thing is, Google Bard can create an easy solution and give us a perfect answer by reading those 10 articles for us, but it can’t figure out which is right and which one is not. So getting the correct answer from the chatBot is not 100% true.
Besides that, the ChatGPT is not giving us the latest detail – it still combines the data till 2021 and presents us with the language it is molding out.
So just by tapping into some situations, we can’t conclude which AI chatbot provides a more accurate solution.
Which one is more popular – Google Bard or ChatGPT?
Google Bard gets extreme popularity prior to releasing the accurate version of it. People are excited to use it, know more about it and give feedback about it.
Alongside, ChatGPT gained 100 million visitors in just a week. It also said in the pre-launch of Google Bard increase more visitors to ChatGPT.
Currently both are in the hype, but as ChatGPT is available for users – it gets more benefits. It is also available in three Microsoft products, these are – Bing, Edge and Teams.
Who Wins in the Future?
Google Bard is still in its testing phase so we can’t say much about the product, but one thing is so sure that it going to be good because why not it’s Google.
ChatGPT also tries to create a better version of itself and we don’t know what awaiting thing we get in the future, but one is again so sure it going to change and become better and more accurate.
The next big benefit we going to see in the future is that it helps small businesses and companies to grow fast – as it provides human-level language to chat and give require solutions to customers without hiring a big team behind that.
Now to conclude in a single sentence, we only can say that – whether good or not, but it surely going to build the future of AI in a better way and we all are excited about it.